Saturday, August 21, 2010

RECAP of EPISODE 4 of Jersey Shore

Okay, if we are all constant viewers of the JS you already know what happened. For those who did not catch the show here is a summary of what happened THURSDAY NIGHT! (OH and the reason why Snooki ended it with FameWHORE Emilio)

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Snooki calls Emilio late at night after not hearing from him for 2 days, he apparently is at a club and couldn't hear her, he then has the balls to tell her that he is with half naked girls and tells Nicole to FUCK off! She is pissed off and screams uncontrollably, later that night he calls back and tells her he just fucked a girl because he is soooooo DRUNK. NO EXCUSE PUNK ASS!!! So we all know what happens next!

Sammie continues to believe that Ronnie is an innocent guy and doesn't think he has been messing around with other girls, he is out till 6AM honey, come on if your partying nothing good is happening at 6AM! So anyways when out for sushi with the girls, she asked them if they knew anything about Ronnie messing with other women and if they did for them to tell her........(cricket, cricket) no one said a thing. Later that day while having dinner the group was having their usual conversation together and Angelina blurted out that it was funny how RON was dancing with this white chick.....jaws dropped and Sammie's eyes were WIDE OPEN. That night they all went out Sammie and Ron argue like always and once again Sammie says that she is DONE with Ron what is this the 100,000 time she has said that (SAM GET OVER IT ALREADY) they all leave the club and go to b.e.d (beer entertainment dining) Ronnie stays behind and realizes everyone left, but like always here comes Sam running after him after he jumps in a cab and tells the cab driver to leave.....he smirks because he knows he has Sam in the palm of his hand (JERK!) While they all partied at b.e.d Ron makes it to the club and gets wasted...and who comes to rescue after being humiliated and dissed in front of national TV SAMMIE! (you look DUMB GF) Ugh i could just slap her!!!! Seriously this girl needs to WAKE THE FUCK UP!!! The next day Ron acts like nothing happened as if everything is ok mean while Snooki and JWOWW have had enough so they plan to write a anonymous letter telling Sammie everything that Ron has done behind her back. So when the guys go to do laundry JWoWW and Snooks go to a cyber cafe and Angelina and Sammie go have drinks. Sammie questions Angelina about Ron and tells her to be true and if she knew anything to tell her now.....Angelina keeps quiet and tells her she doesn't know anything and promises from that day forward she would tell her if she sees something wrong. Back at home Snooki tells Angelina that JWoWW and herself have typed the letter and they are going to place it in Sammie's drawer....Angelina wants no part of it but Snooki confirms that everyone is apart of this whether she likes it or not. Till then it will be a waiting game until Sammie finds this anonymous letter.

What do you think of the whole Sammie and Ron situation? If you were her friend would you tell her that she is being fooled or would you keep it to yourself?



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.A nameless razor fusses.

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