Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Fantasia Barrino Overdose Explanation Tour

Really, I just think Fantasia lost sight of fame and is looking to get it back by trying to commit suicide. Home girl now is doing a tour to explain the reason why she tried to kill herself, but at the same time promoting her new CD sounds kinda fishy don't it.

What a come back Fantasia, I'm sure you've gained several suicidal fans to follow you now and thanking you for helping them through there struggles LOL. Whats next a book?Click here for full story


Great job! I love you Lady CaCa hahaha ;) Ever since this video was broadcast I haven't been able to hear Bad Romance by Lady GaGa the same. LUVS IT!!!!

News Reporter high, reporting on burning weed

I continue to piss my pants every time I watch this clip! HILARIOUS MO-FO LOL....OMG! LUVS IT!

Lindsay Lohan Released from UCLA Rehab

 YAY!!! Lindsay Lohan is out of the woods for being an untrustworthy, unstable addict, congrats LILO!!! Thanks for giving all those celebrity fuck ups a piece of mind that there is hope!

Lindsay Lohan Released from UCLA Rehab

EXCLUSIVE DOCUMENTS: Paris Hilton's Alleged Knife Wielding Intruder Has Criminal Past | RadarOnline.com

Nathan Lee Parada, aka crazy MO-FO, mug shot is out for the world to see. This MO-FO thought he could actually get away with  breaking into Paris's  home, uh MO-FO someone already beat you to the bunch haven't you seen the news! Why do you think Alexis Neier's from "Pretty Wild" served 180 days in jail LOL! YOUR TOO LATE!!!!

 CLICK HERE to read FULL Story

Sneak Peek: Kougar Kardashian's Hollywood Secrets

 If you love George Lopez, you will enjoy this video. Kougar Kardashian is the better looking one of all three LOL, but if you think about it there is a very close resemblance with Khloe. Check it out for yourself and leave your comments.....BYE DOLLS ;)

Sneak Peek: Kougar Kardashian's Hollywood Secrets

Who's the Queen of Summer 2010 Cast your VOTE!!!

Who do you think is the Queen of Summer 2010??? SNOOKI or KIM KARDASHIAN????   ehhhhh SNOOKI Kim is so LAST YEAR. Cast your votes and comment who you think should be Queen of 2010!

Cast your VOTE HERE!!!

Paris Hilton "OK" After Attempted Home Invasion

These days, when Paris Hilton wakes up and finds a strange man in her house, it actually is cause for alarm.The good-time heiress got quite the scare this morning, when she woke up to discover an armed home invader in her Hollywood Hills compound.

"I'm OK," she told E! News exclusively. "Just scary, thank god he didn't get in.

Click here to read full story!!!