Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Jersey Shore cast become tour guides!!

I'm kidding dolls but it is said that because of the reality show "Jersey Shore" more and more tourist will visit the BIG Apple. Do you agree?

On another note Angelina shouldn't even be back on the show......didn't she quit after 2 episodes. BTW she says she is the Kim Kardashian of Jersey LOL ha ha ha what a joke!

Your Cut Off

WOW! There parents must be proud LOL! That's all I can say ....

Oh wait and what about Gia not only is she ugly this chic is what they call NEW MONEY she was broke before she married a rich guy and now she thinks her shit don't stink! To top it off she is a bad mother she doesn't wake up in the middle of the night to feed her baby when she cries nor did she change any diapers.

I present to you the cast and Gia