Thursday, July 29, 2010

Ok so I just saw the Jersey Shore....

I still don't understand why Angelina is there what a loser! Cant stand her hope they kick her a*%!!!!!

Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Jersey Shore cast become tour guides!!

I'm kidding dolls but it is said that because of the reality show "Jersey Shore" more and more tourist will visit the BIG Apple. Do you agree?

On another note Angelina shouldn't even be back on the show......didn't she quit after 2 episodes. BTW she says she is the Kim Kardashian of Jersey LOL ha ha ha what a joke!

Your Cut Off

WOW! There parents must be proud LOL! That's all I can say ....

Oh wait and what about Gia not only is she ugly this chic is what they call NEW MONEY she was broke before she married a rich guy and now she thinks her shit don't stink! To top it off she is a bad mother she doesn't wake up in the middle of the night to feed her baby when she cries nor did she change any diapers.

I present to you the cast and Gia

Monday, July 26, 2010


What's so licious about it? Really..... I thought Tracey's matching earrings, matching belt, matching shoes and matching handbag were soooooooo 80's and to top it off they were all zebra print OMG! Please stop my eyes are killing me!!!! And don't get me started on the hideous living room Olivia and her room mate designed. Let's just say thank god they are not on Extreme makeover: Home edition lol!

Glen or Glenda?

Hi dolls, I'm watching "Seed of Chucky" that movie is a trip lmfao! I swear I can watch that movie over and over but what I can never get is if their child is a male or female? Any ideas? Anyways I actually had the opportunity to meet the real chucky and his bride check them out aren't they adorable lol......

Kidding dolls lol!!!!!!

Sunday, July 25, 2010

Tattoo or not to tattoo?

I'm looking to get a tattoo but what should I get? I love Victoria beckhams tattoos especially the Hebrew writing going down her back .... luvs it or roman numbers on my wrists with the date I got married and my Childs dob on the other.

Mother in law wanting more grand kids ......I don't think so

I'm so annoyed, I'm ready when I'm ready!! I have a 22 month old and my mother in law keeps persisting me to have more kids that's crazy! Ahhhh I want to run and hide! My husband is in Afghanistan and he will be gone for a whole year (he will be here for 2 weeks this Sept) mean while I'm at home raising our daughter on my own. They think it's so easy, but if she put herself in my shoes I don't think she would want another child anytime soon. I'm soooooooo annoyed! The picture below isn't me but that's how I feel lol ahhhhhhhhhhhhh!

Just counting the hours... I miss u

I love you my husband can't wait for your safe return. GoD bless u and thank you for protecting our country. ARMY STRONG!

Jersey shore

Jersey shore cast were offered a new season only this time instead of getting paid 10k an episode they will be reportedly making 30k. Talk about being at the right place at the right time.... Sorry Real World!

Which Hills star fits your personality?

Hey dolls, Lauren Conrads fits me best. I know she can be a little to attached to her friends and always nagging about certain guys who aren't always right for them but hey the girl is only looking out for her friends best interest. What sucks is that no one really cared who she was with lol .....i can say we are alike in that aspect about caring to much about my friends but when it comes down to handling men I am more like Kristen. I can be a bitch when I want and always have that wall up so I won't get hurt. Now I'm happily married so that wall is finally burned down lol.

Welcome to my WONDERLAND!

Hi dolls this is my very first blog ... What to talk about what to talk about hmmmm well something will come to my wonderland soon ill keep posted.